220 All Posters

De Schakel Tusschen de Geallieerden en Nederland Product Link
Netherlands, c. 1945
19 x 29 in (48 x 74 cm)

KLM The Mall at Buckingham Palace Poster Product Link
Netherlands, 1965
40 x 28 in (102 x 71 cm)

Za Boljše Dni... U.S. War Bonds (Paper) Product Link
United States, c. 1943
28 x 22 in (71 x 56 cm)

Lincoln and the Battle of Chancellorsville #19 Steve Keene Painting Product Link
U.S.A, c. 1996
26 x 24 in (66 x 61 cm)

Journee de l'armee d'afrique et des Troupes Coloniales Product Link
31 x 22 in (79 x 56 cm)

Le Petit Journal - "Les Evenements D'extreme Orient - Les Japonais débarquent a Port Adams tirent sur un train-hopital seriant de Port-Arthur" Product Link
France, C. 1900
16 x 12 in (41 x 30 cm)

Keep'em Smiling! Help War Camp Community Service Product Link
USA, C. 1917
42 x 28 in (107 x 71 cm)

Le Forze D'Italia Guidate dal re vittorio emanuele III Catturano la banderia austriaca nelle pianure di trieste Product Link
Italy, C. 1917